Frank Jochum has been recruited to the Scientific Advisory Board
of Neobiomics. We are very pleased to have Frank with us, making the Scientific Advisory board even more diversified and qualified in order to secure a strong future for Neobiomics.
Frank Jochum is a paediatrician specialised in neonatology, paediatric intensive medicine, and paediatric clinical nutrition. After being the medical director of the Ev. Waldkrankenhaus Spandau in Berlin 2008-2014, he is now the
Head of its Department of Paediatrics. Frank Jochum has several board and advisor appointments, including the “Vereinigung leitender Kinderärzte
und Kinderchirurgen Deutschlands“ (VLKKD) and the German Hospital Federation (DKG). He is also author on numerous national and international
publications in medical journals and books.
Please visit teams for more information regarding the updated
Scientific Advisory Board of Neobiomics.