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Christmas Celebration 2022

As another fruitful year comes to a close, we at Neobiomics are proud of our progress. We appreciate the trust that all healthcare professionals in our network and our partners have in ProPrems®. We are proud that, despite obstacles, we have progressed with a positive attitude and expanded our team and network.

From ProPrems reaching more than 100 healthcare centers this year to Neobiomics being listed as one of the hottest healthcare startups by Sting. We are proud of the progress we have made so far. For the upcoming year, we hope to keep up the pace and grow in all sects.

To wrap up the year and celebrate, we were joined by the whole team of Neobiomics. With holiday spirits we were able to dine at the Stallmästaregården with a traditional Swedish Julbord. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a very Prosperous New Year!